Here’s a rundown of everything you’ll need to know:

Restarting your PC and router is the first and most straightforward approach to resolve the issue “FFXIV Unable to Complete Version Check.” A large number of people have found it to be helpful. Solution 1: Restart Your Computer As Well As Your Router Make sure to follow all the steps carefully and attentively. When starting the FFXIV launcher, many people get the problem of the “FFXIV Unable to Complete Version Check.” What causes the version check to fail in Final Fantasy XIV? What can we do to solve the “FFXIV Unable to Complete Version Check” error? We will provide you several quick solutions in this Dtech Roof article.

Let’s have a look below! How To Fix FFXIV Unable To Complete Version Check So, we will discuss all the solutions to solve your problem. Furthermore, the FXIV version check failed issue may cause by damage or missing game files. The main reason for the “FFXIV unable to complete version check” problem, according to the research, is an unreliable network connection.